Business Set-Up
You have found a new business opportunity but not sure where to start. We understand choosing the right structure and meeting the compliance requirements can be hard and confusing. But it doesn’t have to be if you get the right advice from us. Therefore, take us on your journey and let us help get you off to a great start.
Our services cover the following areas:
Company registration
Australian Tax File Number (TFN) registration
Australian Business Number (ABN) registration
Australian Good and Services Tax (GST) registration
Trademark and business name registration
Set up family trust / unit trust
Set up accounting system
Update business registration details
Company annual review
ASIC lodgement
Mergers & acquisitions, and business restructuring
With our services, we make sure:
Your business is set up in a timely and effortless manner.
All subsequent compliance obligations such as company annual review are duly reminded and properly looked after.
Business structure is tailored to your needs.
Bookkeeping and Payroll
Do you want to focus on your area of expertise and core business? Let us liberate you from your day-to-day accounting and related works by taking over your internal accounting and payroll functions.
Our services cover the following areas:
Set up your accounting system
Handle bookkeeping for your everyday transactions
Prepare budget analysis
Sort and filing invoices
Manage payroll function
Review accounts
Design inventory control system
Prepare accounts reconciliation for bank balances, receivables and payables etc
Maintain fixed assets register
Prepare various management financial reports
Calculate and record salary and wages
Prepare payslips and annual PAYG payment summary
Calculate and lodge the PAYG withholding tax and superannuation
Open superannuation account and comply superannuation obligations
Calculate and record annual leave, sick leave and long service leave entitlements
Calculate termination payments
With our accounting and payroll services, you will receive the following great benefits:
Your accounting records are prepared and maintained by professional accountants to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness.
Financial reports will be prepared in accordance with accounting standard and tax regulation to lower your compliance risk.
Your accounting needs are better understood and as such our service can be tailored and personalised.
You will receive regular professional advice to help your business grow.
Compliance risks are monitored closely and can be identified and mitigated at early stage.
Previous period accounts / records are reviewed and adjusted for compliance.
Financial Reporting
Do you need an extra hand with your financial statements? Our accountants are well-versed with financial accounting skills and are able to provide the following services based on your needs:
Prepare monthly/quarterly financial statements required by Chinese and Australian regulatory authorities
Prepared internal financial reports personalised for management requirements
Prepare interim and annual financial statements
Prepare general purpose and special purpose financial statements for audit
CFO4U is a professional management solution which entails personalised financial analysis and advisory to assist small and medium-sized business approach and solve their everyday financial management issues.
Our team will work closely with you to examine your business and focus on your growth and success. Our on-going consulting service helps you to identify the best practice to achieve profit maximisation and most efficient resource allocation.
CFO4U service covers the following areas:
Set up business structure
Strategic planning
Corporate governance
Performance optimisation solution
Accounting and taxation training
Exploration and implementation of the best practice
Immigration Accounting
Are you applying for a business visa or is your business visa just granted?
No matter what stage you are at of your business migration process, SEP Accountants have your back. At SEP Accountants, our staff have many years’ experience this particular area and are able to fast-track your immigration process through the most effective means. Our review service adopts international review standards to help you ensure your financial information lodged with the immigration department are in full compliance. Meanwhile, we are partnered with licensed migration solicitors, who can help you lodge and follow up your visa application.
In addition, we provide ongoing support after you settle down in Australia.
Company Secretary Service
Have you thought about hiring a professional company secretary before listing on the Australian market? Do you want to seek a professional who has the knowledge of this complex procedure?
We are aware of your concerns and can help you make this listing process much easier. We can provide:
The performance of the related duties under the Australian laws and Australian Securities Exchange Listing Rules.
Preparing, checking, formulation and publishing of the reports according to the regulations of Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) and Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) that are required by the above organisations for companies. We will also provide communication services between the companies and the abovementioned organisations.
Preparation and coordination of the meeting between board members and companies, and board committee meeting.
Administrative support, arrangement and services for your company when you want to communicate with banks, investors and other outward connections.
Other related document services for the board of directors.